Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sometimes I need a little pick me up...

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love Ellen. She is absolutely HILARIOUS!! So sometimes I do need a little pick me up, who doesn't these days? When I do, I turn on Ellen and I seriously don't stop laughing for the next hour, and sometimes longer. Here's what I'm rolling on the floor about today (and for the past few weeks)...


amber said...

Hi Monica!! How are you doing? My website is www.scentsy.com/amberdawn. I also keep alot on stock at my house if you want something quick. But look me up. I hope all is well.

Queen of Kings said...

Hey Monica,
This was HILARIOUS! I am always at work when Ellen is on so THANK YOU for sharing I had a good laugh! Hope things are good for you!