Sunday, September 6, 2009

"Dance like no one is watching"

Kennedi started taking tap and ballet lessons last week. She was lucky enough to get into a class with two of her cousins, Emma and Ellie.

The first week ended as I typically would have expected it to, in tears.

{But I'm hoping that things will get better in the weeks to come.}

She defintely loved what she stayed calm enough for to learn because she's been acting like a ballerina everyday since.

All I know is that she sure is cute in her leotard, tights and ballet & tap shoes.

{I'm still looking for a cute tutu. Any suggestions or recommendations?}



Chels said...

Cute blog cousin Monica! And adorable kids too! My friend's sister used to sell great tutus but I just went to her blog and she's stopped because of the Design Piracy Prohibition Act. BUT she does have directions for making a tutu!:
Your cousin, Chels

Lindsay Brown said...

Kennedi is such a cute little ballerina! It makes me smile just thinking about her dancing!

Shannon said...

What a cute ballerina!! I hope she likes it.

Angie and Ryan said...

Silly lady I have tonz and tonz of tutus for you to choose from. It so good to see her dancing:)